"Tata Sky started India’s first destination for award wining 2000+ Short comedy, Drama, animation stories / movies"
If you have TATA Sky DTH connection then now you can enjoy award winning short movies or stories. TATA Sky DTH presenting India's first exclusive channel for shorts stories and movies.You can enjoy preview of this channel FREE for first 5 days, after that you can subscribe at Rs.75 per month.
TATA Sky Shorts TV in SD available on TATA Sky channel no.113
TATA Sky Shorts TV in HD available on TATA Sky channel no.112
You can enjoy comedy, Drama, animation's shorts story and movies
As you know now a day’s most of new generation audience moving to short stories. OTT platform is big examples which are providing short stories or movies like Amazon Prime, Netflix & ALT Balaji etc.
But still there is big difference, OTT platform are broadcasting new and self created contents / programs while TATA ShortTV going to broadcast all time best and award winning short movies or stories.
In TATA Sky ShortTV lots of short stories have won about 10+ national and international awards so now you can imagine that what type of stories you are going to be enjoyed.