DD Free Dish is India's one and only Free Direct-To-Home Service previously known as DD Direct +. This service was launched in December, 2004. DD Free Dish DTH service is owned and operated by Public Service Broadcaster Prasar Bharati (Doordarshan).
DD Freedish always adds private TV channels in DTH's vacant slots by conduct online e-auction. Private TV channels who win this e-Auction, channel will be added for one year on DD Freedish platform. If again interested private TV channel renew its per subscription then channel will be continue on DD Free dish for next year.
Currently DD Freedish DTH have 80 TV channels and 26 Radio / FM channels. Also 30+ Educational TV channels available on DD Free Dish DTH platform.
Here is below DD Freedish press advertisement for 32nd e-auction.
For further Term and condition visit here or you can visit Doordarshan official website: