What does LNB and LNBF stand for ?
LNB stands for Low Noise Block. LNBF stands for Low Noise Block Feed. LNBF is really a LNB with a built in feed horn and electronic polarizer. LNB stands for Low Noise Blockconverter. It converts a range or "block" of frequencies to another range or "block" of frequencies. Early stuff like we sold in the late 70s or early 80s was a LNA, which stood for Low Noise Amplifier. The downconverter for those was seperate from the LNA.
LNB stands for Low Noise Block. LNBF stands for Low Noise Block Feed. LNBF is really a LNB with a built in feed horn and electronic polarizer. LNB stands for Low Noise Blockconverter. It converts a range or "block" of frequencies to another range or "block" of frequencies. Early stuff like we sold in the late 70s or early 80s was a LNA, which stood for Low Noise Amplifier. The downconverter for those was seperate from the LNA.