Add New Transponder Frequency to Your DD Direct Plus Set Top Box DTH For More Channels

Add New Transponders to Your DD Direct Plus Set Top Box and you can get new channels from Dish tv Platform.

LNB Frequency Transponder FEC POL Symbol Rate
10600 11037 Horizontal 40700
10600 11172 Horizontal 27500
10600 12535 Vertical 40700
10600 12595 Horizontal 40700
10600 12595 Vertical 40700
10600 12647 Horizontal 27500
10600 12647 Vertical 27500
10600 12688 Horizontal 27500
10600 12688 Vertical 27500
10600 12729 Vertical 27500
10600 12522 Vertical 40700
10600 12582 Vertical 40700
10600 12642 Vertical 40700
10600 12702 Vertical 40700
9750 10990 Vertical 27500
9750 11070 Vertical 27500
9750 11150 Vertical 27500
9750 11490 Vertical 27500
9750 11570 Vertical 27500