Sanskar TV Added Now on DD Direct Plus, Sanskar TV Now Free To Air

It is good news to all, now you can watch free to air channels on your dd direct plus. DD added new channels B4u Movies, Sadhana TV, Sadhana TV News, Sanskar Channels, Astha Bhajan. R K News.

Sanskar TV is an Indian television channel that is primarily dedicated to broadcasting Hindu spiritual programmes.
The channel has been added on the following Transponder.
TP Frequency – 10990
Polarization – Vertical
Symbol Rate – 27500
FEC – 3/4
Video-PID – 514
Audio-PID – 614

B4U Movies added on DD Direct plus for more info click here
            Sadhana News also added on DD Direct plus for mroe info click here
For Sadhana TV click here