DD Direct plus 2nd E-Auction announced for 5 more New TV Channels
The second e-auction for bringing TV channels on Doordarshan DD Direct plus DTH platform is scheduled for 30
th August 2011. One channel in September 2011 and four channels in October are getting vacant. All TV channels interested in getting placed on Doordarshan DTH platform may submit an EMD of Rs 2.17 Crore and a processing fee of Rs 10,000/- in favour of PB(BCI), Doordarshan Commercial service payable at New Delhi. EMD amount of Rs.2.17 Crore will be refunded to all channels who are not successful in the e-auction bidding. The base price for the e-auction will be Rs 2.17 Crore.
The last date for the submission of the application alongwith the requisite Demand drafts is 5 PM, 25
th August 2011.All the applicant channels will be given required training and practice drills before the actual e-auction. Twenty-one days public notice as required by Telecommunication (Cable and Satellite) Interconnection Regulation 2004 as amended, will have to be given before the removal of channels who are on DD Direct Plus DTH platform and are neither successful in the bidding process nor have participated in the e-auction.
The e-auction will be conducted by M/s NCDEX SPOT, Mumbai on their portal
https://trade.nspot.in. Online training will be provided to all applicant channels by M/s NCDEX on 26
th August. Mock drills will also be conducted on 29th August and the auction will be held on 30
th August 2011.
Your application letter alongwith the requisite Demand Drafts should reach the O/o Director General: Doordarshan, Copernicus Marg, Doordarshan Bhavan, New Delhi-110001, in the facilitation counter or in Room No. 320 to Mr. Mansingh, Section Officer (DTH). Your application may also be send by Speed Post/Courier to Mr. R.Venkateshwarlu, ADG (P) at the above address. However, Doordarshan will not be responsible for any Postal delay. Please ensure that the names, contact nos. and e-mail IDs of at least, two authorized officials of your company, who will participate in the e-Auction, is mentioned in the body of your application letter.