24 Hour Free to Air Channel Enterr10 Available on DD Freedish DTH

Enterr10 is Free to Air Hindi movie channel. Now Enterr10 improved movie quality. They start showing new movies. For Watch Enter10 use DD direct plus dish for Ku-band. Enter 10 is first movie channel on dd direct plus if you have C-band Dish than you can catch it from another satellite. below is Enter10 Frequency details so that you can catch this channel

Ku-band Frequency (DD Direct Plus)

DownLink Freq - 11490
Symbol Rate - 27500
Polarisation - V
22k Tone - OFF
Enter 10 channel is available on Insat 4A at 83.0°E. ( C-Band)
Frequency - 3756 
Symbol Rate - 13333
 Position - Horizontal.